Umbrage is just a fancy word for being offended, but it sounds snarkier. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me. Which brings me to my next point and the reason we are all here this evening.
With all due respect, and when I say that, it means I'm going to say something shitty, you don't want to hear. But listen, I've said with all due respect, so that means, I don't have to show any. I digress.
I reserve the right to be offended, at folks who love their own voice, their own 2 cents, fears and inadequacies more than the care about other people. I realize that's harsh, but remember I said with all due respect.
I'm offended by disrespect, homophobia, and people who love refuse to remove the plank from their own eye. just to name a few. i'm not good with ignorant people, they piss me off just a little too much. unless they don't piss me off, then it's fine. See and that's a judgement. Just because you're rude to people who don't think the same as you, doesn't mean you're ignorant. I think it might mean you're egotistical, I'm not sure I'll have to consult my dictionary.
In summation: Sometimes when people say things to me, it makes me want to punch them. but i realize that would be hypocritical and i prefer empty threats.