Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Handbook on awkward adult situations ( A work in progress)

I love it when angst is thoughtful and productive. If you're gonna be introspective you might as well get something out of. That's my motto. I suppose. 2011 was a year with a lot of crying. Hell I don't think I've been that emotionally accessible in my whole entire life. But in other news it did up the instances of gratuitous swearing, with and without board games. So I guess we'll put that in the pros column shall we? Jolly good.

Sometimes I feel a bit ridiculous writing down my thoughts. I don't really care if anyone reads them, but then again maybe sometimes I do care. But I get embarrassed if people mention it. I'm not sure what the solution to that one is.

Consider this post to be in place of my annual newsletter I send out every year. If I write all the words I want I'll get in trouble. I'll probably get in trouble for writing that. Damn censorship!

Is it just an illusion that other people don't feel awkwardness when it's around them? Or is that legit. Maybe a magic trick? I'd love to know more. I'd love to not care if other people are awkward, because generally in that situation, I'm pretty damn sure they don't care if I feel awkward. I'm not complaining, not at all, I just think it would be nice to level the laying field. If you don't, why should i? see win win.

Man how I'd love to actually write down more in depth what I'm thinking and feeling,not but since I have no desire at all to poke the bears, I'll just bottle it all up like a good middle child. But mark my word, sooner or later, someone is going to have to pay for my therapy!

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